Dehumidifier Drip trays


Irrespective of what type of dehumidifier you have, it has the capacity to leak water.


Yes, we all know that refrigerants condense water into a liquid and desiccants absorb and release water as a vapour; but did you know that the desiccants water vapour can condense in the outlet pipe and run as a liquid, back into the machine?

Any machine that leaks has the potential to cause a lot of damage.

Staining carpets, cupping of wooden floors and leaving damp patches on screeds which are due to be finished with hard-wood, just to name but a few.

All very costly and all saved by a plastic tray

The trays have some other, less obvious functions too.

Dehumidifiers, regardless of type, stand on feet or wheels and are quite heavy. Over time, the feet and wheels can permanently fold the pile of a carpet but the tray spreads the load over a larger surface area and reduces this problem.


Similarly, the rubber wheels and feet on the dehumidifier may react with the surface they are sitting onand cause staining or surface changes.


And further, the tray stops the homeowner from moving the dehumidifier and potentially rolling it over its outlet pipe - cos that doesn't ever happen does it?

The trays are made from a tough polypropylene plastic (recycled), which is strong enough to have the average dehumidifier wheeled over its edge rather than be lifted in.


The trays measure 60cm x 60cm and are 7cm high (23" x 23" x 3") and have the capacity to hold 25 litres of water.


The trays retail at £15.00 (+ p&p) but discounts will apply to multiples.


For further infomation, please contact me on 07838 622409 or email